First Covenant Church has supported Randy and Cheryl Bevis for over 2 decades. They served in Thailand for most of that period. Currently they live in North Carolina and Randy travels around the world ministering in the areas listed below:
Randy's Email
- Business as mission
- Fish farming
- Community development
Randy's Email
Randy has also formed a nonprofit faith-based organization, In-Seigne (Full Nets, Changed Lives), which "seeks to work with at-risk communities to develop sustainable fish farming systems based on the local context." In recent years in addition to Thailand he has worked with fish farmers in Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo,
Haiti, Kenya, Laos, Malaysia, Mali,and THAILAND. Click on a country to learn more about Randy's work in that country.
Haiti, Kenya, Laos, Malaysia, Mali,and THAILAND. Click on a country to learn more about Randy's work in that country.